After the disastrous Heartland Flood, many volunteers and donators are stepping up to the plate.
People are donating good and helping to deliver flood aid to people of the area in a variety of different ways. For example, more and more aid and supplies are arriving to the area, with the help of trucking companies.
In fact, one man working with a trucking company from Tennessee drove a large load of supplies in from Georgia. The man, Bubba Smith, brought the supplies from a nonprofit organization.
Apparently, this nonprofit organization has also donated health supplies to many countries throughout the world. Now, they’ve donated to the flood victims in Nebraska.
Smith talked about the delivery as something special and one that he was happy to be part of. Although he has been driving trucks for thirteen years, he said he never delivered aid for a flood before. And now, he got the chance to do just that. The goal is to get fifteen pallets of the donated health supplies to everyone in need. And, his efforts are not taken for granted.
The health supplies delivered consisted of many different items, such as gloves, health kits, respirators, and more. The University of Nebraska Medial Center officials are very appreciative of the incoming flood aid which helps many people to get back on their feet.
Now, in particular, they are looking for donations in the form of shovels. Anything that anyone can donate is appreciated and helpful, however. If you are looking to donate goods to the victims of the Heartland Flood, you can do so! Near Saddle Creek and Jones, you can donate from 10am to 4pm.