Police says City Threats are ‘not Credible’ as the Investigation Continues

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Police said in a tweet, just before noon Friday that threats reporting around the city are “not credible.” However, they are under investigation. The police department also requests that suspicious calls or threats can still be reported via 911. That is so the police can in fact be following up.

Police Receive Suspicious Phone Calls

On Friday afternoon, the Omaha Police Department sharing more details. OPD said the department did receive reports of “suspicious phone calls.” It is threatening violent acts to many locations through the city of Omaha. They were coming in from outside of the state.

Police Felt Threats Were not Credible

OPD Phil Anson said in an email, an investigation determined the calls were coming in from outside the state. He reiterated that the department didn’t believe the threats to be credible.

Now, there are multiple law-enforcement agencies that are continuing to investigate, Anson said.

Employees Sent Home

After getting a threat at about 9 a.m. on Friday, a Union Pacific spokeswoman said that the company sending employees home.

Evaluation of the Building

“We received a threat that we took seriously at around 9 a.m., then we immediately had to evacuate the building. We sent our employees home for the day out of an abundance of caution. Then, we continued to coordinate with local authorities to investigate,” Union Pacific spokeswoman said.

For the Elkhorn Public Schools families, later in the morning, we were aware that school officials had locking buildings in the district. This was after the OPD informed officials that are looking into “a bomb threat with shooters at several locations around the city.”

Email Notification

There was an email notification sending to EPS families. It notifying them that the school district was, in fact, taking precautions, and in turn, the staff was doing “sweeps” to look for anything suspicious. It also said the OPD was investigating possible threats at schools, businesses, and government buildings. The email stated: “Students and staff will remain inside in normal routine until further notice.”

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