Important Safety Tips for Every Truck Driver

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There are many perks to being a truck driver. However, there are just as many hazards as well. Whether you’re a veteran truck driver or you’re just starting out, you should be aware of the dangers of truck driving. Fortunately, just knowing some basic yet important facts about staying safe on the job can have a big impact on your personal safety on and off the road. Keep on reading to learn more about what you need to know in order to stay safe in and around trucks.

Safety Tips While Driving

One of the most common causes of accident and other incidents on the road is distracted driving. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or FMCSA, these count as factors in distracted driving:

  • Texting or taking phone calls
  • Looking at a physical map
  • Eating
  • Changing CD’s in your car’s audio system

Therefore, it really is in your best interest to not drive while distracted. Do your best to plan everything out before you get on the road. Make phone calls, communicate with your dispatch, and plan your route before you get behind the wheel.

Safety Tips While Stopped

It’s just as important to stay safe while stopped at rest stops or loading areas than on the road. Always give a very wide berth when walking behind and between vehicles to prevent accidents. Never climb on top of a load to secure it; you could fall. Furthermore, always make sure to wear gloves and safety glasses while loading and unloading products.

It’s also important to inspect your truck before every shift. So, make sure to notice if any parts seem damaged or worn beyond reasonable repair. It’s better to take the time to replace these parts rather than have them be the cause of an accident or malfunction.

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