Fire Warnings in Effect in Parts of Nebraska

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Many are hopeful to not have a forest fire situation arise.
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After just coming out of a major winter storm, one that was so severe it closed one major roadway, Interstate 80, some Nebraska areas are now getting hit by another severe weather warning, this time one warning of a fire. Just days ago, some streets in Nebraska were covered in around a foot and a half of snow and now they are preparing for possible fires in the area. As of Monday, many are worrying to about the fire risk they are faced with after official warnings were sent to the most largely affected areas. The cities that received fire warnings include Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, Auburn, Falls City, Sidney, and Hamburg.

The forecasted temperatures of the warned areas show mostly weather conditions in the 70s.

The humidity levels are expected to drop, reaching around an estimated 14%. Furthermore, there are expected wind gusts of around 30 miles per hour. These conditions, especially when working together, unfortunately create a breeding ground for fires. The wind in particular is where most concern lies. It can cause the fires to spread quickly, suppressing the ability of firefighters to actually fight fires. Because of the current estimated conditions, experts are advising to avoid outdoor burning.

The National Park Service is very concerned presently for the safety of the Homestead National Historic Park. The worry that a fire will destroy the preserved prairie and oak wood trees.

To combat their concerns, they did do their annual spring prescribed burn.

In the spring prescribed burn, they burn off the fire hazard spots in hopes to reduce the easily flammable bits in order to keep their native plant species alive and well. The burn is done with experts on sight to maintain control of the fire. Part of why they do the prescribed fire is also to allow the plants that depend on fire to get that fill in a healthy way. It also allows them to burn off the non-native invasive species of plants.

After this prescribed burn, the National Park Service and others worry about these fire warnings that are in effect. There is no real way to prevent a fire, only some steps to take that can reduce the risk and danger of one. Any sort of preventative action that can be done is being established in the highest risk areas and many are trying to maintain hope, while personally preparing as well.

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